“Play Like a Lion” Premieres on PBS Stations Nationwide

Play Like a Lion: The Legacy of Maestro Ali Akbar Khan, directed by Joshua Dylan Mellars, premieres on PBS stations across the country in June.  

Award-winning Play Like a Lion travels India to explore the origins and legacy of iconic Indian sarodist Ali Akbar Khan’s music—through the eyes of his son Alam. Carlos Santana, the Grateful Dead’s Mickey Hart, slide guitarist Derek Trucks, jazz saxophonist John Handy, virtuoso sarodist Aashish Khan, tabla masters Zakir Hussain and Swapan Chaudhuri provide commentary in the film and Mark Cohen narrates. 

Play Like a Lion TV Promo

Maestro Ali Akbar Khan, who introduced Indian classical music to the US at New York’s Museum of Modern Art in 1955, was “The Emperor of Melody,” a national treasure in India and the US, a multi-Grammy nominee, and according to renowned master violinist Lord Yehudi Menuhin, “possibly the greatest musician in the world.”

Check local listings for PBS station airtimes of the film.