“Shakespeare in the Shadows” marries William Shakespeare soliloquies — speeches from “Macbeth,” “The Tempest” and “Julius Caesar,” among them…

-San Francisco Chronicle

Shakespeare in the Shadows, directed by Joshua Dylan Mellars, was recently featured in the San Francisco Chronicle. The film stars Mark Cohen performing a one-man show of the Bard’s most intriguing characters. .

Click here to view San Francisco Chronicle article. 

In Shakespeare in the Shadows, The Bard’s hushed whispers and thundering roars unfold against wild Northern California promontories and stark San Francisco cityscapes.

Shakespeare in the Shadows Trailer  

The film, which was recently nominated for an Emmy in San Francisco, takes its inspiration from the drama, the rhythm, the musicality of Shakespeare’s prosody.   

Shakespeare in the Shadows premieres on PBS stations nationwide in June.