“Shakespeare in the Shadows” is Award Winner at 49th World-Fest Houston International Film Festival

Mark Cohen as Prospero in "Shakespeare in the Shadows."

Shakespeare in the Shadows has received a Remi Award for “Best Adaptation” at the 49th World-Fest Houston International Film Festival. Starring Mark Cohen, the film is directed by Joshua Dylan Mellars and produced by Sofia Englund and Mellars. 

In Shakespeare in the Shadows, classically trained stage actor Mark Cohen performs a riveting one-man show of the Bard’s most intriguing characters from the storm tossed, supernatural world of The Tempest to the dank dark corridors of Macbeth’s Dunsinane.

“Founded in 1961, WorldFest gave very first honors to Spielberg, Lucas, Ang Lee, Ridley Scott, The Coen Brothers, John Lee Hancock, David Lynch, Randall Kleiser and Brian de Palma…”

Shakespeare in the Shadows is screening at festivals this year prior to being expanded into a full program for television broadcast. Mellars and Cohen are scheduled to shoot additional Shakespeare scenes later this summer in preparation for a PBS television premiere. This year marks the 400th commemoration of Shakespeare’s death in 1616.